Monday, February 10, 2014

This is getting serious (kind of maybe ok not really)

For the next three months or so this particular blog will be dedicated to analyzing the motivations of rushees, college students who decide to "try out" for various Greek houses. There are three main divisions in Greek life: professional, social, and community. Who tries for which type? Why choose to rush at all? As much as some are drawn to fraternities and sororities, why are others repelled? In what terms do they view the rush process?

Granted, right now my thoughts are a bit scattered willy nilly but I plan to have a much more concrete idea down by next week. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd be curious to know if others have documented this tri-part division of Greek houses, and I'd be curious if their memberships might correlate to the three "pathways" that Armstrong and Hamilton identify.

    You will have trouble researching the topic as you have defined it. So I suggest you begin by looking at the research that is out there on Greek organizations.
